ocr: XXXCOPY -I X XXCOPY == Freeware == Ver 2.60.0 KC)1995-2001 Pixelab, Inc. XXCOPY src [ dst 1 L options... 1 SrC specifies the source file(s) or directory to copy dst specifies the destination directory (no file names) Option switches start with a slash (/) immediately followed by letter(s). XXCOPY supports most XCOPY switches /A/M/P/S/E/I/W/C/1/R/U/K/Y/N). /S Copies subdirectories /K Keeps file attibutes as in src /H Copies hidden files also /U Updates files that exist in dst /CLONE Duplicates a directory (or. entire volume) as incremental backup. /BU Backs up the directory without deleting ext ...